85 Days Until the Election: An Interview with the Fake News

Wes X
2 min readAug 12, 2024

Furious tweeting…JD’s conversation with the fake news…a dust filled corpse…

Photo by Gemini

By 8am Trump tweeted 8 times. The subject matter varied. He claimed Kamala Harris stole his “no tax on tips” idea. He trumpeted a new endorsement, the Culinary Union of Michigan. It was the frenetic chattering of someone feeling the pressure. The stakes are the highest for Trump. He’s being sentenced in September. He’s got 3 other criminal cases descending on him. If he doesn’t win, he can kiss any pardon goodbye.

CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed JD Vance today. His story of the Biden administration is basically that Biden is a dust-filled invalid wandering around taking orders from the dastardly Kamala Harris. I think if he was asked to draw a picture of his vision, he might have drawn a handlebar mustache on Harris. He’s convinced she “tossed him(Biden) overboard” and she’s secretly running the country. Why, just look at the way he debated. He couldn’t even talk. He’s seen less drool on zombies in The Walking Dead. He’s not capable of doing the job, so obviously Kamala Harris has been the one “calling the shots. How could she not?”

They’ve been lost on strategy for two weeks and their idea of bailing our their sinking ship is to simple transfer ownership of everything to Harris. Biden is clearly some kind of corpse…



Wes X

Politics, gun safety, & society–with a curious mind. Join the conversation!