86 Days Until the Election: Never Interrupt your Enemy During their Mistakes

Wes X
2 min readAug 11, 2024

Trump hacked…No strategy for Old Men…My crowd size is bigger than yours (I Swear) …Harris & Walz skew some facts…

Politico reported today that it received internal documents in an email from an anonymous sender name “Robert.” The Trump team blamed “foreign sources hostile to the United States”. The leak was part of a phishing hack that targeted a high-ranking official working for the campaign.

Robert leaked a research Dossier on JD Vance. It was a vetting file with a list of past transgressions against Trump, including a list of press comments. Another fine example of the shifty character of Vance. Insulting one day, obsequious the next.

It got worse for Trump. It’s not really apparent what his strategy is at this point, other than he reads disparaging articles about himself online and then tweets his retorts, in all caps, on his Truth Social account. The New York Times published a story about donors at a fundraiser on Long Island breaking out in hives over Trump’s inability to pivot from “Sleepy Joe” to “Kambala”. They see the same old “stop the steal”, years-old, half-ass “I was robbed of the election” strategy and they’re terrified.

This may or may not be the reason Trump tweets incessantly about his crowd size. His online MAGA heads…



Wes X

Politics, gun safety, & society–with a curious mind. Join the conversation!