93 Days Until the Election: More Felony Rumblings

Wes X
2 min readAug 8, 2024

Jenna Ellis flips…The stock market tanks…Inevitable deaths threats to Kamala…Polls flip like Jenna…

A dripping oil painting of the american flag with eyeballs and with the words 89 plastered across it.
Photo created by Gemini

Today, Jenna Ellis, a pale simulacrum of her defiant mug shot, flipped on Trump. She reached an agreement with the Arizona attorney general Kris Mayes. In a statement Mayes said, “Her insights are invaluable and will greatly aid the state in proving its case in court. I will not allow American democracy to be undermined–it’s far too important.”

The lesson here for future grifters is if someone has damning evidence against you, do not let them twist in the wind. Ellis has already pleaded guilty to a felony in a similar case in Georgia last year. At some point she must have turned around and looked to Trump for help, but he was nowhere to be found. A tumbleweed might have blown by at that moment.

Through all the fuckery, I forgot that Trump is going to be sentenced in September for lying about porking a porn star. My guess is his frantic wails reach a fever pitch by then. Look for another attack somewhere–a spun narrative to throw people off reality.

The stock market had its worst day in two years and the MAGA trolls on X blame the current administration. Nevermind that inflation skyrocketed on Trump’s policies. A spasm of posts have flooded the threads. One MAGA head screamed…



Wes X

Politics, gun safety, & society–with a curious mind. Join the conversation!